Thursday, August 27, 2009

Staging yard panel

This is a photo of the main staging yard panel for the east and west staging, representing Denver and Ogden respectively. The lower panel is a schematic of the entire railroad.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


ATSF 5699 heads west in Buschco Siding. The buildings pictured are kitbashed Walthers structures. Behind the second unit, a signal bridge is visable. This is the DRGW mainline where it connects with the SFP.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

West Green River Yard

SD-26 waits at West Green River Yard. One of the GM auto parts buildings is visible in the background. Green River yard track #1 and #2 are also visible to the right. Note the concrete phone shed located to the left of the dwarf signal.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Op Session

Top photo shows Ken Williams and Paul Daniele making a setout at green River Yard through the Wasatch Tower interlocking. Bottom photo shows Winston Garth and Bill Andrew switch the Budweiser brewery complex on the Santa Fe Pacific. The op-session on this day used a simplified form of Track warrant control, which seemed to work fairly well.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Federal Cold Storage

The Federal Cold Storage industry is a kitbashed Walthers kit. It is an example of the larger industry buildings on the Santa fe Pacific. The structure is only 3" deep, but represents a much larger building. The concept is the building could actually hold the products being loaded into the refrigerator cars.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Battlecreek and Canyon Wash Bridge overview

This overview shows the Canyon Wash Bridge, and the Battlecreek X-overs area. On the lower tier the Wasatch Tower interlocking is in view.
The lumber train in the photo is a PTKSY (Portland to Kansas City yard train).

Canyon Wash Bridge

Atlas SD26 approaches the Canyon Wash Bridge.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Canyon Wash Bridge

The Canyon Wash Bridge area is located between CP Slater and CP Canyon. The bridge is a kitbashed Central Valley kit. The 9224 is a Athern SD45T-2. The custom mars light feature was built by Hans Loeher. The caboose built by Mike Osborne is also a Athern Model. It was upgraded with new windows and cushioning device on coupler. The SD26 is a Atlas model.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fisher Body plant at Green River

This is the large Fisher Body plant located at Green River. The brick building in the back is where Coiled steel loads are received. The front track is where outbound body parts are loaded.